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Free Stuff!

Help us make this the absolute best resource for fishermen by logging in after all of your fishing trips. The more the site is used, the better the resource becomes for everyone and to give you a little incentive, we have lined up some great fishing gear to give you absolutely free.

Free Rewards for New Accounts

Free Fishing Lures

The first 1000 fishermen to register and mark a spot will receive a thunder rattle fishing lure ($12.99 MSRP)! This offer is limited to one per customer.

Free "Pro-Fisherman" Cap

The first 500 fishermen who get ten friends to mark ten different spots will be mailed a guaranteed-lucky, Pro-Fishermen ball cap. Just email: with the addresses of your friends and include your mailing address!

Free Rewards for Top Anglers

You can quickly earn points by tagging new fishing spots and receiving high raings from fellow anglers.

1-50 Beginner
51-100 Novice
101-250 Avid Angler
250-300 Semi Pro
301-400 Professional
401-500 Master Class
500+ World Class

Our first tournament is on! The first anglers to get these ratings will win some incredible prizes

50 Avid Angler Bag 1 $25
25 Semi Pro Bag 2 $50
10 Professional Bag 3 $200
5 Master Class Bag 4 $300
1 World Class Bag 5 $500+